We hope to see all of you on Saturday 30th June 2018 at the International Conference in Palermo organized by International Medical League for the Abolition of Vivisection and entitled Past, present and future in scientific research: from “in vivo” experimentation to new “human-based” methods.

download the event flyer: Convegno Palermo

The International Medical League for the Abolition of Vivisection (LIMAV) organized three conferences in Zurich (October 1992) in Lugano (November 1993) and in Madrid (May 1997).

For the 30° anniversary of the Organization, LIMAV organised and held two conference in Pavia (March 2017) and in Rome (June 2017) and a new congress will be organized within the end of the year in Palermo.

The acts of the LIMAV conferences were published by ATRA and you can find them here:

Madrid, 1997


Zurigo, 1992 – Lugano, 1993


You can also find the acts of the LIMAV confrences in Zurigo and Lugano, here:

Zurigo, 1992 – Lugano, 1993